"Yeah! Dad's Nads"
   by Sour Cock Rock Fuck Muck Clock Pox (MP3)

Bass, Vox:Peter Austin Kotas()
 "Walking into the instant album party, I was completely unaware of what was going on. Maria got a text message from Augie about a a video shoot, and I just kinda tagged along. Once I put my name in the pot, however, I knew my life was changed forever. Thrown to the wolves and slapped on the bass, an instrument I had no experience with, Allison, Maria, Christian, and I began work on a fantastical song that evolved into what is heard now. During the making of the song I could feel Christian's patience with my shoddy bass playing wear thin, and yet we soldiered through and the bass got buried far enough in the mix that it didn't even matter. I want to thank Allison, a great blower, Maria, a great banger, and Christian, a great bifrons (urban dictionary it), for allowing me the opportunity to make sweet sweet music with them, as well as Dave for putting up with all our shit."

Drums, Vox:Maria Nuccilli(The Decks)
 "This was my first instant album experience. And Augie invited me over without even mentioning the instant album element of the get-together. I was so confused when I got there. At first I thought that my band was a failure, since none of us are exactly leaders in our respective bands. We sat around for a while. But thankfully, Dave Lawson is an unforgiving task master when it comes to all things instant album, and made us get to work. So all in all, it was a success, even though Allison left. I had so much fun screaming, and watching "Uncle Buck" in between."

Guitar, Vox:Christian Anderson(Starling Electric)
 "I arrived at the Instant Album party feeling a bit intimidated, as this was my first GO 'ROUND. I suppose I'm in a "professional" band, but I'm not exactly the most proficient musician in the universe. It was pretty fun ending up in a band that was composed of myself and three other people whom I had just met; it took us a second to find a bit of chemistry, but once we put our inhibitions aside, it was easy to remember that the damn thing was put together so peeps could have a good time. Even after putting together a sloppy yet INCREDIBLY CATCHY pop number, it was nice to get some smiling support from the rest of the kids that were there to drink beer, jam cupcakes in their faces, and like totally rock. Thanks for having me, and thanks to the rest of Sour Cock Rock Fuck Muck Clock Pox for screaming along. "

Trombone:Allison Young(Mick Bassett & The Marthas)
 "Augie called me that morning asking if I wanted to come over for a small get-together and to be an extra in the Hard Lessons upcoming video. When I walked in the door and he asked where my trombone was, I was a little caught off guard. What? Why would I need that? Was everyone supposed to bring a trombone? Why are you guys standing around pulling names out of a pot? Who's house is this? After some serious reconciliation I skipped out to my car to grab my emergency trombone. I keep it precisely for situations like this. Aside from the initial shock of not knowing what I was doing there, I had a really great time and am looking forward to next year."